User guide#

Below is a gallery of narrated notebook examples on how and why to use skore. They serve as our user guide.

Getting started#

We recommend starting with these examples that provide an overall and gentle introduction to skore.

Quick start

Quick start

Skore: getting started

Skore: getting started

End-to-end data science use cases#

These examples showcase skore in action on real use cases. We aimed at showing skore’s ability to:

  • be compatible with scikit-learn

  • reduce boilerplate code for some standard de facto data science analysis

  • speed-up exploration by optimizing some internal computation

Simplified experiment reporting

Simplified experiment reporting

Model evaluation#

These examples illustrate how skore can help data scientists to improve their machine learning modelling thanks to methodological guidance and diagnostics.

EstimatorReport: Get insights from any scikit-learn estimator

EstimatorReport: Get insights from any scikit-learn estimator

train_test_split: get diagnostics when splitting your data

train_test_split: get diagnostics when splitting your data

Manipulating the skore project#

These examples illustrate how to use the skore Project to store many kinds of objects, along with their past versions.

Tracking items

Tracking items

Working with projects

Working with projects

Technical details#

These examples show some technical details at the core of skore to better understand some of the mechanics under the hood.

Cache mechanism

Cache mechanism

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